


Animated Explainers

Creative Animated Explainer Videos

If you’re looking to quickly convey what it is you do while keeping your viewer engaged and impressed, a quality animated explainer might be just the ticket.

Creating Wonderful Animated Explainers is our passion.

Australia’s highest converting Animated Explainer company.

You’ve found it. Exactly what you were looking for. As a leading graphic design agency in Brisbane, we create catchy, to the point animated explainer videos specifically designed to increase website conversion rates for your products & services. Our videos quickly and clearly convey the strengths of your offering, saving your customer the time of reading around your site, and avoiding the likelihood that they will leave before getting in touch.

Animated Explainers
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Animated Explainer Video

Your animated explainer video is potentially the first thing a visitor to your site will see.
It is important you convey the merits of your business quickly & clearly.

We can help you

Animated Explainers

Our animations are

What we’ve created

A selection of the animated explainer videos we have made

Animated Explainers
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Animated Explainers
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Animated Explainers
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Animated Explainers
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Animated Explainers
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Animated Explainers
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Animated Explainers
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Animated Explainers
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Why Choose Us ?

You have a story to tell. Let us make it look great.
Animated Explainers

At Pixelo, we have been creating wonderfully crafted, high converting animated explainer videos since 2010. We have helped clients in a wide range of industries convey the message of a new product, service or better explain an existing one. With peoples attention spans decreasing daily, the importance of engaging quickly with prospective clients has become even more important. Our animations allow your story to be presented in a short time, highlighting key points and presented in a fun and engaging way. So why not get in touch with us today and let us quote on your project, you will be glad you did.


The Creative Process

How we go about creating your animated explainer video
So, you need to explain a new product or service. Well, we can definitely help with that.
Over the years we have refined our process to ensure the end result is an eye catching, engaging conversion machine for your business.


We start-off by doing the homework on your company. What is the look and feel of your company and how do the public perceive you. It is important the new animation links in with your existing branding, to ensure consistency in your brand message and is recogniseable to customers. We create project timelines so we know what needs to be done, and when.


What target market do you wish to reach with this animation. With your guidance, we set out who the target demographic are and ensure your animation is targeted to their specific needs. It is essential the animated explainer conveys the key information quickly and clearly to prospective and enquiring clients.


Once we have researched your brand and target market, we create the proposed script. We then create the storyboard to go along with this and lay out each scene in sketch form. This gives you the opportunity to see how the animation will flow, how characters will look and the overall look and feel of the production.


Once you receive your storyboard, it’s the opportunity for you to make suggestions on changes you would like. Perhaps you’d rather certain message be emphasized or changes to a certain character or text. We revise the animation accordingly, streamlining the whole project until it’s just right.


We now deliver the final animation all done & dusted. This can now be put up on your website, ready to help boost visitor conversion rates. It can also be emailed out to clients, presented at tradeshows, posted on blogs etc, the choice is up to you. You now have a 24/7 marketing tool at your disposal, ready to bring in the customers.


Once you receive your storyboard, it’s the opportunity for you to make suggestions on changes you would like. Perhaps you’d rather certain message be emphasized or changes to a certain character or text. We revise the animation accordingly, streamlining the whole project until it’s just right.


We now deliver the final animation all done & dusted. This can now be put up on your website, ready to help boost visitor conversion rates. It can also be emailed out to clients, presented at tradeshows, posted on blogs etc, the choice is up to you. You now have a 24/7 marketing tool at your disposal, ready to bring in the customers.

Animated Explainers

Animation Content

An animation might look great, but what if it’s not telling your story?
Conveying the right message is super important with an animated explainer. You have limited time, so you need to ensure what you are telling the client is both clear and conveys the key points you want to make. A focused message coupled with the right look and feel will guarantee your animated explainer is a success.

Animation Types

2D, 3D, Whiteboard animations, we can help you figure it all out.
There’s a bunch of different types of animations, we deal predominantly in 2D. Whiteboard videos are still popular, 3D can be too pricey for most and tend to date quickly. We prefer to focus on 2D for looks, ageing well and just being plain ol’ funky.
Animated Explainers
Animated Explainers


So who really own’s the video once’s it’s done
In short, you. Some companies out there will try to retain some ownership over your video, either by charging you hosting fees or by only sending you limited files and charging for others. We don’t do any of that sneaky stuff. You 100% own the video we make for you and you can do with it as you please.

Don’t just take our word for it

A small selection of some of our happy clients

How much will an animated explainer cost?

For us, the length of the animation is the key factor here. How long do you want the video to be. We always recommend around the 1 minute mark. People these days have the attention span of a fly, so it’s good to get in, say your piece and get out. Videos that drag on invariable loose the attention of the viewer and can miss out on conveying key messages. Fill out the enquiry form below and let us get your job priced up for you. 

How long does the whole process take?

So, the stages look pretty much like this. You outline what you want the video to say and to whom it’s targeted. We then write up a script accordingly, proof this to you then make any changes needed. Once approved we draw up the storyboard so you can see how the animation will flow. We then move on to the actual animation, combining the illustrations with voiceover, sound effects and animation. Typically the whole process takes around 2-3 weeks.

What results can I hope to achieve with an Animated Explainer

  • Engage more with site visitors
  • Boost conversions rates on your site
  • Answer potential questions clients may have
  • Improve your brand’s online visibility
  • Reduce site bounce rates
  • Deliver your message in a fun and engaging manner

How do I go about getting a voiceover made?

Don’t worry, we can look after this for you. We have heaps of professional voiceover actors we use, from a range of different counties. You may want an Aussie accent for your Australian product, but prefer to use an Irish voice for a service you’re targeting to Ireland, no problem, we can look after both and even create multiple versions of the same animation saved out with different actors voices.

Ready to start your new project?

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