

Creative Packaging Design

We partner with ambitious businesses like yours to create eye catching packaging for your products to ensure they stand out from the crowd.

High impact packaging design for your products.

You’ve found what you’ve been looking for.

Give your product the best headstart possible with our eyecatching packaging designs. We tell the tale of your product through the packaging, reflect your company values and reenforce your branding message. In an increasingly cluttered market, it’s imperative to have the edge, quality designed packaging will give you that lead and get eyeballs on your product.

Work Sample Packaging Design

Packaging design In Australia

Your packaging design could mean the difference in a customer picking your product over a competitors, so it’s super duper important to get it right.

We can help you

Packaging Design

Our packaging is

What we’ve created

 A selection of the packaging designs we have created for our clients products

Why Choose Us ?

You’re just a few clicks away from making the right choice
packaging design

Pixelo has been creating eye catching, professionally crafted packaging design since 2010. We have a long and successful history of creating packaging designs that move units and help to enhance your brand image. A huge number of purchasing decisions are made solely on how the packaging looks, so it is crucial to get the look right so you don’t miss out on that all important sale. You may not be just making one sale, but could potentially be linking up with a life long customer. We catch their eye, your product quality keeps them coming back.

The Creative Process

How we go about crafting the perfect packaging design for your products

Customers judge your product by it’s packaging, before they have even tried the product. It’s harsh, but in a market where there are so many competitors, it’s imperative to have any edge you can.
Here is how we go about creating yours.


We delve into your brand. What is your product offering over the competitors, who is the target market and what look and feel will they best respond to. We create a comprehensive market study in order to know where we’re at, and where we want to go.


By defining the target market, it allows us to build a picture of how the packaging should be presented. If it’s an eco friendly product, you are going to want to introduce greens & browns, earth colours which will hint at an environmentally conscious product within. This is all part of defining the product and it’s goals.


Once we have considered the look and feel of the existing brand, we create a proposed layout for the new packaging. This gives you a look at how we intend the packaging design to shape up. From here you can request any changes you need until it’s just so. With your approval we then progress on to the refinement of the design.


Upon receiving your proof of the packaging in it’s entirety, we await your feedback. Once received we revise and refine any adjustments needed until the design is at it’s final, perfect form. Once you have thoroughly checked everything and are sure you’re happy with the job, we receive your final sign off and your work is done.


We now create the final files. You will need your packaging printed and manufactured, so we prep it, ensuring all files are to press requirements and will give the best results. Your job is now complete, sit back and enjoy the compliments of your co-workers and the increase in product sales.


Upon receiving your proof of the brochure in it’s entirety, we await your feedback. Once received we revise and refine any adjustments needed until the brochure design is at it’s final, perfect form. Once you have thoroughly checked everything and are sure you’re happy with the job, we receive your final sign off and your work is done.


We now create the final files. You may need your brochure printed, so we prep it for print ensuring all files are to press requirements and will give the best results. We also create lower resolution versions for onscreen use and can supply as both pdf documents or hosted flipbooks for your ease. Your job is now complete, sit back and enjoy the compliments of your coworkers on a job well-done.

Packaging Design

Packaging Text

A product’s packaging might look great, but what if it’s information is all wrong?

Know what you want to say, but have difficulty saying it? Our highly effective copywriting service can take the stress out of writing your packaging text. Simply explain to us roughly what you want to convey to buyers and let us do all the hard work of writing.

Size Matters

Cardboard, plastic, eco friendly materials – there’s a lot to consider, we can help. 

There’s quite a bit to figure out when deciding on a packaging size. What will the end use be? Will it be single use or expected to stand up to repeated use. We can advise on how to make the best choice for your business and ensure your packaging looks great.

Moy Bird Care
Packaging Design

What a Finish

Don’t let your packaging design fall at the last hurdle with poor print decisions.

A good decision on the print finish of your packaging is key. We can advise on best paper stocks, best print methods & folding techniques to ensure the packaging design that ends up in shoppers hands, is looking as good as it possible could. First impressions really do count.

What is a key line or a dieline?

A dieline is the outline of your packaging once it’s all unflolded and laid out flat. Your packaging supplier will typically be able to supply this to you in eps or pdf format and we can then apply our designs on top of that, so everything is perfectly positioned come printing time. Packaging is mainly printed flat, so that is why the dieline is supplied in this manner.

Do Need to have a packaging supplier before I start the designs?

You don’t need to, but it will certainly save you money in the long run. If we create a design, then later have to revise it to fit the dieline of the packaging company you have decided on, that means additional artwork charges. It’s far better to pick a production company, have them show you samples, once your happy with the production and packaging then supply us with that dieline and we can get to work.

I have loads of information to put on my packaging, but only limited space.

Remember your product packaging is not a flyer. You don’t need to try to add a ton of information about your company, the history of the product or your hopes and dreams, keep it simple. The consumer is going to want to know what the product is, what it does and how it can benefit them and tie in with their values. If you’re not sure what to say we can certainly help, we have a team of copywriters adept at creating eye catching copy for your packaging designs.

What's the deal with barcodes?

If you are in retail, you’ll need to get a licensed barcode number (either EAN or UPC types). In Australia you can get them from GS1, the standards body for barcodes.

If you are not in retail, you do not need to purchase licensed numbers and you are free to use any barcode type except EAN and UPC codes (which as mentioned above, are for retail).

If you don’t have your barcode(s) handy when we get started on the design, don’t worry, we can use dummy one’s for now, and drop in the real thing later once you have them.


Don’t just take our word for it

A small selection of some of our happy clients

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